Thursday, April 28, 2011

Plants and Insects

Ever notice how plants and insects seem to appear together?  I'm trying to notice more.  At my Master Gardener class I learned that the best time to treat for Japanese beetle grubs is between the time the forsythia and lilacs bloom.  The forsythia is ablaze in butter yellow and the first hints of purple are creeping out of the lilac, so I'm guessing now is the time.  I can time the return of one of my neighbors from their winter home by the lilacs; they arrive just as I've dead-headed all the blooms...

Last night was warm enough to leave the window open in the bedroom.  I got to bed and heard a faint chirping beyond the pillow.  Could it be?  Out in the warm, wet, windy yard, in my pajamas, I listened to the spring peepers.  I wanted to journey to find them, but they seemed to be coming from my neighbor's stream, and I'm not sure how they'd react to a stranger in their backyard in the middle of the night.  Mental note to find them next year, when the purple lilac starts to show.

I have an egg sac from a mantis, and I wait to see what may grow.

Another recipe from the upcoming book, Around the World in 100 Miles:

Gluten-Free/Vegetarian and Wild Option
Spring Salad
Taste of France
Serves 4
Mesclun greens
2 oz. goat cheese
1/4 cup chopped walnuts
8 asparagus stalks
8 strawberries, washed, stemmed, and sliced
Wild option: Chickweed and young dandelion greens
1/3 cup balsamic vinegar
1/3 cup local honey
Combine vinegar and honey in a microwave-safe dish.  Microwave one minute.  Set aside.  Wash and dry greens.  Break off woody stems from asparagus and break or cut into bite-sized pieces.  Saute in cast-iron skillet or broil in oven, 2-3 minutes, until tender-crisp and slightly browned.  Set aside.  Toast walnuts in cast iron skillet with some of the honey/vinegar mix 2-3 minutes.  Divide greens on four plates.  Top with walnuts, asparagus, and sliced strawberries.  Using a fork, crumble goat cheese over top.  Drizzle with dressing.  Serve immediately.

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